This is an excellent and often overlooked aspect of App Store Optimization. Yes, using outdated SDK versions of platforms like Google Firebase or Meta (Facebook) can potentially impact your app's ranking, both directly and indirectly. Let's dive into why this matters and how it affects ASO:




Performance Issues

Older SDK versions may not be optimized for the latest operating systems or devices. This can lead to:

  • Slower app performance
  • Higher battery consumption
  • Increased crash rates

These factors can negatively impact user experience, leading to poor ratings and reviews, which directly affect ASO.




Security Vulnerabilities

Outdated SDKs may have known security flaws that have been patched in newer versions. App stores, especially Apple's App Store, are increasingly scrutinizing apps for security issues. Apps with potential vulnerabilities might:

  • Face delayed approvals
  • Get lower visibility in search results
  • In extreme cases, be removed from the store


Compliance Problems

Newer SDK versions often include updates to comply with the latest privacy regulations and app store policies. Using outdated versions might put you at risk of:

  • Non-compliance with GDPR, CCPA, or other privacy laws
  • Violation of app store guidelines
  • This can lead to rejected updates or app removals, severely impacting your ASO efforts.

Missing New Features

Newer SDK versions often come with performance improvements and new features that could enhance your app's functionality. Not utilizing these could put you at a competitive disadvantage, indirectly affecting your app's popularity and ranking.

App Size Implications

While we discussed app size earlier, it's worth noting that newer SDK versions are often more efficiently coded and may reduce your overall app size. As we know, app size can influence download rates and, consequently, ASO.

Algorithm Considerations

While not officially confirmed, there's speculation that app stores' algorithms might consider the use of up-to-date SDKs as a signal of an app's quality and active maintenance.

User Acquisition Impact

Outdated SDKs, particularly for platforms like Meta (Facebook), might not support the latest ad formats or targeting options. This can hinder your user acquisition efforts, indirectly affecting your download rates and ASO.

Analytics Accuracy

Older versions of analytics SDKs might not capture all relevant data or might report it inaccurately. This can lead to misguided ASO strategies based on incomplete or incorrect data.

What is the Best Practices?

  1. Regular SDK Audits: Periodically review all SDKs used in your app and check for updates.
  2. Staged Updates: Don't update all SDKs at once. Stage your updates to isolate any potential issues.
  3. Testing: Thoroughly test your app after updating SDKs to ensure no new bugs or performance issues are introduced.
  4. Stay Informed: Follow the official channels of major SDK providers to stay updated on new releases and deprecations.
  5. Cost-Benefit Analysis: While keeping SDKs updated is generally good practice, always weigh the benefits of updating against the development time and potential risks.
  6. Documentation: Keep clear documentation of which SDK versions you're using and why, to help with future update decisions.

In conclusion, while the impact of using outdated SDKs on ASO might not be as direct or significant as factors like keywords or ratings, it can have a cumulative effect on your app's performance, security, and compliance - all of which ultimately influence your app's standing in the store. Keeping your SDKs up-to-date should be considered an integral part of your overall ASO and app maintenance strategy.