The e-commerce sector in Turkey continues to grow every day. According to the latest data announced by the Ministry of Trade, the e-commerce volume in Turkey increased by 115.15% compared to the previous year and reached 1.85 trillion TL. These developments in the sector are causing increased competition among e-commerce companies.

According to Switas; CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) is of great importance for companies to convert more website and mobile application visitors into customers and to get ahead in the competition. The CRO study conducted for startups (new enterprises) operating in the field of e-commerce provides an increase of up to 70 percent in the conversion rate of visitors to customers, while the conversion increase in companies that have been in the sector for many years is 15 percent.

The e-commerce sector, one of the most dynamic markets in Turkey, continues to grow rapidly. According to the data announced by the Ministry of Commerce, the e-commerce volume in Turkey increased by 115.15% compared to the previous year in 2023 and reached 1.85 trillion TL. E-commerce companies operating in the market, which continues to grow continuously, are making serious investments in their websites and applications in order to increase their share of the pie, achieve their sales targets and strengthen their competitive position. In order to get the highest efficiency from these investments, incoming visitors need to be converted into customers to a large extent. E-commerce companies with online sales targets can significantly increase the conversion rate of their visitors into sales with CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization). Switas, which draws attention with its services aimed at sustainable growth and has gained the trust of leading brands, increases the potential of companies that sell online with its CRO service. Switas examines the websites and applications of brands in detail with UX Audit (User Experience Audit), which is created by conducting data-based analysis, and makes pinpoint improvements in line with the data it obtains. In this way, the user journey becomes easier and higher sales conversions are achieved from visitors. The CRO study conducted for startups operating in the field of e-commerce provides an increase of up to 70 percent in the conversion rate of visitors to customers, while the conversion increase in companies that have been in the sector for many years is 15 percent. With its CRO service, Switas offers growth and competitive advantage to companies operating in sectors such as white goods, small household appliances, tourism, electronics, clothing, shoes, accessories, food and ready-made meals, as well as e-commerce companies.


Providing information about CRO services and the advantages it provides to online sales companies, Switas Founding Partner Çağdaş Polat said, “The e-commerce sector in our country has continued to grow, especially since the pandemic period. According to current data, the 115% increase in e-commerce volume in Turkey in the last year reveals how fast this growth is happening. While these developments enable new players to enter the market, they also reveal commercial requirements such as maintaining their place, continuing to grow and strengthening their position. Many brands that sell online are making serious investments to attract visitor traffic to their websites and applications in order to say ‘I am in this race too’,” he said. Çağdaş Polat continued his words as follows: “Increasing the investment budget every passing year can be quite challenging for companies in the economic conjuncture that Turkey is going through. Aiming to increase the conversion rate in order to get the highest efficiency from the investment made is a much more effective method. Conversion optimization, or CRO, is one of the most effective methods that allows companies to achieve maximum efficiency by keeping their operational and investment costs to a minimum. Companies that sell online can increase the conversion rate of visitors to customers with conversion optimization on their websites and applications and can significantly increase their annual income with this method.”


Switas Founding Partner Inci Dindar, who explained the processes and benefits of the CRO service, said, “Today, one of the biggest needs of e-commerce companies and brands performing online sales is to achieve maximum sales conversion from existing visitor traffic. As Switas, we conduct a UX Audit study consisting of more than 200 questions with our brands in order to respond to this need. With this study, which is a first in Turkey with its data-based analysis feature, we evaluate the brand's user experience in detail and clearly determine the points that need to be improved. Based on the findings that emerge during the audit process; we delve into the depths of the data with the powerful digital tools we use and conduct all end-to-end test operations with our experienced team. We develop A/B test suggestions and prioritize these suggestions using the RICE methodology.

In light of the data and findings we obtain, we make the user journey much easier and more efficient. Thus, by maximizing the digital performance of our brands, we increase conversion rates while also providing high customer satisfaction and competitive advantage. Our CRO study, in which we offer comprehensive analyses and solutions; enables brands to grow by increasing their online sales revenue, while allowing them to understand sector dynamics and user habits much better,” he said.


Switas Growth Consultancy was launched in 2022 with the vision of İnci Dindar and Çağdaş Polat. The company, which has reached an important position in the sector in a short time, draws attention with the innovative consultancy services it offers to leading brands in Turkey. Switas has started to serve global brands by carrying its success in the local market to the international arena. With its customer-oriented approach and expert staff, Switas stands out as a reliable partner in the growth strategies of businesses.