This is an interesting question that touches on some nuanced aspects of app store algorithms. While it's not commonly discussed, there can indeed be instances where updating an app version without any apparent information changes might affect rankings. Here's a breakdown of potential scenarios:

Algorithm Sensitivity

App store algorithms are complex and sensitive to changes. Even if you don't change any visible information, the act of updating itself might trigger a re-evaluation of your app's ranking factors.




Hidden Metadata Changes

Sometimes, updating an app can inadvertently modify hidden metadata or structural elements that the app store's algorithm considers. This could include:

  • Changes in the app's binary size
  • Modifications to the app's framework or libraries
  • Updates to internal app identifiers or configurations

Consistency Signals

Frequent updates without visible changes might be interpreted differently by the algorithm compared to updates with clear improvements or bug fixes. It could potentially be seen as a negative signal if done too often without apparent reason.

Recrawling and Reindexing

An update, even without visible changes, may prompt the app store to recrawl and reindex your app. This process could temporarily affect your app's visibility or ranking.

User Behavior Impact

If users are prompted to update the app but don't see any changes, it might affect their engagement or review patterns, indirectly influencing your app's ranking.

A/B Testing Effects

Some app stores (like Google Play) allow A/B testing of store listings. An update might reset or affect ongoing tests, potentially impacting your optimization efforts.

Competitor Dynamics

Your app's ranking is relative to other apps in your category. If you update without improvements while competitors are actively enhancing their apps, it might indirectly affect your relative positioning.

Store-Specific Quirks

Apple's App Store and Google Play Store have different algorithms and may react differently to version updates without visible changes.

What is the Best Practices?

  • Include Changelog: Even for minor updates, always include some information in your changelog. This helps both users and potentially the store algorithm understand the purpose of the update.
  • Monitor Carefully: After any update, closely monitor your app's ranking and performance metrics to quickly identify any unexpected changes.
  • Consistent Improvement: Try to include actual improvements or fixes with each update to maintain a positive update history.
  • Timing Consideration: Be strategic about when you push updates, especially if you're in a highly competitive category.
  • Test in Staging: If possible, test updates in a staging environment to catch any unintended metadata changes before pushing to production.

While it's relatively rare for a "no-change" update to cause significant ranking problems, it's not impossible. The safest approach is to always include some form of improvement or fix with each update and to be mindful of update frequency and timing. Remember, app store optimization is an ongoing process that requires constant attention to these subtle details.