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AB Test Calculator Tool

Variation B's observed conversion rate () was higher than variation A's conversion rate (). You can be 95% confident that this result is a consequence of the changes you made and not a result of random chance.
The observed difference in conversion rate () isn't big enough to declare a significant winner. There is no real difference in performance between A and B or you need to collect more data.

Possible SRM alert

Assuming you intented to have a 50% / 50% split, a Sample Ratio Mismatch (SRM) check indicates there might be a problem with your distribution.

The expected distributions of variation A and B.

Conversion Rate Control
Conversions A / Visitors A

Conversion Rate B
Conversions B / Visitors B

Relative uplift in Conversion Rate


Observed Power

p value

( CRB - CRA ) / SEdifference

Standard error A
( CRA * (1-CRA ) / VisitorsA)1/2

Standard error B
( CRB * (1-CRB ) / VisitorsB)1/2

Std. Error of difference
SEdifference = ( SEA2 + SEB2 )1/2


AB Test Calculator: Optimize Your Website with Confidence

Are you looking to improve your website's performance? Meet the AB Test Calculator from Switas.com - your go-to tool for data-driven decision making.

What is AB Testing?

AB testing, also known as split testing, is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app to determine which one performs better. It's an essential practice for optimizing user experience, conversion rates, and overall website effectiveness.

Why Use Our AB Test Calculator?

Our free AB Test Calculator takes the guesswork out of your optimization efforts. Here's what it offers:

  1. Conversion Rate Analysis: Quickly calculate the conversion rates for your control and variant groups.
  2. Statistical Significance: Determine if your test results are statistically significant, ensuring your decisions are based on reliable data.
  3. Confidence Intervals: Understand the range within which your true conversion rate likely falls.
  4. Easy-to-Use Interface: Simply input your test data and get instant results.
  5. Time-Saving: No need for complex manual calculations or expensive software.

How to Use the AB Test Calculator

  1. Enter the number of visitors and conversions for both your control (A) and variant (B) groups.
  2. Click "Calculate."
  3. Interpret the results to make informed decisions about your website optimizations.

Making Sense of Your Results

Our calculator provides clear, actionable insights. You'll learn:

  • Which version performed better
  • The level of confidence in your results
  • Whether you should implement changes or continue testing

Why AB Testing Matters

Regular AB testing can lead to:

  • Increased conversion rates
  • Improved user experience
  • Higher ROI on your marketing efforts
  • Data-backed design and content decisions

Start Optimizing Today

Don't leave your website's performance to chance. Use our AB Test Calculator to make informed, data-driven decisions. Whether you're optimizing landing pages, call-to-action buttons, or email campaigns, our tool will help you achieve better results.

Visit Switas.com now to access our free AB Test Calculator and take the first step towards a more effective website! Thank you for the source of the calculator https://abtestguide.com/calc/