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Hello, as Switas, we are starting the first YouTube series. In the magnifier series, we will ask the experts the questions and important topics that you will want to hear the answers to in the field of grat. Today's guest is go dicden contemporary, who has been working in the field of digital marketing for more than 10 years, welcome, contemporary, hello, welcome. Thank you for the invitation. First of all, we would like to thank you. 

Since you participated, I hope it will be an enjoyable conversation for the audience as well. I say that we wish the same thing and move on to the first question. In this period of digital marketing, the most popular business area of the last 10 years, many people worked there and working there was actually a very popular business area. But now, with the development of artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence, everyone is asking whether digital marketing is not as popular as it used to be, or whether digital marketers will be unemployed in the future because artificial intelligence does most of the digital marketing work, what is your opinion, of course, artificial intelligence is an issue that has been on our agenda recently, we are coming to important tremendous changes in digital marketing, as it is actually a little more pioneer of these sectors The changes here are actually more exciting, but in fact, the concept we call artificial intelligence is not a new concept for digital marketing. It is actually a whole of the issues that have been in our lives for a long time, that we position differently in terms of naming and naming, that we name differently. We have already included artificial intelligence in our lives along with machine learning on platforms such as Google and meta for a long time. 

We see that the algorithms here are constantly improving and giving better results day by day. The most important thing here is that artificial intelligence actually offers a little more creative and more dynamic, more customized creatives on the content side, and we already see that artificial intelligence makes very serious contributions to manual operational processes. Therefore, it would be more accurate to consider it as a new technology that provides a very serious increase in productivity by positioning it correctly into digital marketing, not in the face of digital marketing. So it's not that it's against it. How is it better? It would be a more accurate approach to focus on the fact that it will benefit us to increase our work efficiency by using it in daily operation. And again, one of the issues that we think will have a devastating effect is the cookie. Of course, this is very annoying for digital marketers that the world is cookie-free people surfing the internet. 

While it's a good thing for the end user, right now, most digital marketers don't see their actual traffic, their traffic channels. How do you think the cookieless tracking environment in online marketing will be adapted? From a digital marketing point of view, in 2018, certain obligations have been imposed on certain companies on issues such as processing the data here and keeping it after that, with the new laws that came into force within the framework of the European Union, which came within the scope of the general data protection regulation, which we call this gdp r. However, of course, it was the beginning of a new journey in which restrictions on certain 4-party data entered our lives. Of course, on the one hand, while the restrictions continue, on the other hand, it is related to this Alternative ways offered by platforms and channels regarding solutions have actually started to emerge. So, on the one hand, the restrictions continued. 

On the one hand, how can there be better solutions to reduce these concerns about this? On the one hand, the two actually evolved into a world where they actually followed each other. First of all, I think we should accept this situation instead of being skeptical about the issue here. We, as marketers and advertisers, are now in such a world and how can we interpret this world in the most effective way and in the most accurate way and take actions accordingly. How can we design it? We need to focus on these a little bit. Of course, most of our friends in the industry. Since they do not dominate the pre-Google analyx period, we are actually experiencing a product that is offered to us as a continuation of it, but in fact, it is a tool that comes from a completely different perspective, and when we look at it before, for example, I predict that the systems we examine and follow our own first party dota, called sight server traking, will come to the fore again. Most of these progressive questions were formerly in the web service genter. For example, we were looking at it from there. We were looking at the server logos. In the early 2000s, Google Analytics actually entered our lives with 2005. 2000 continued with them, he says very right. In other words, as I said, our young friends who manage digital marketing are not very familiar with this trial. We did not have the opportunity to use an equivalent brick, but now it seems that we will put aside our habits here and build a new order that we will create brand new opportunities here. 

This is to move forward by aligning both internal decision-makers and our agencies and partners who support us externally. One of the most critical issues here was the advancing period. I think it's the right point of view, but I want to ask you, most of your digital marketing budgets are actually given to channels such as google, mete and tiktok, but these channels will be affected by the cookieless world. Therefore, at the moment, digital marketers and decision-makers do not have a clear view on a channel basis as before, but actually have a slightly more blurred view. This I guess it will change something in our lives. What do you think they would be? In other words, it will definitely change something, but I think it is more critical to approach the event from this point of view, as a result, the channels where consumers receive information, consume resources, and the platforms they spend time on will not be affected by this. It's just that we will have to find different solutions with slightly different models in terms of measuring them. 

That's why I don't think we have anything to worry about here at the point where our consumer is standing in the same place. In other words, when we look at the past, when digital marketing did not have much share, classical main media channels actually had much higher shares. We had worlds where companies spent more of their budgets on that side. In that period, we didn't actually have the chance to measure our chances of reaching many different metrics, as if they were already accustoming Google metabiz to a slightly more blurred decision-making environment with models such as pmax, right? Here, of course, they have come to a point where they have come to the stage of making a decision for brands. Will they be in complete control or will we improve our way of doing business in accordance with this new world order? In fact, it seems that the whole issue and difficulty will revolve around this. It was as if these 2010s keywords were suddenly not appearing in their heads. In summary, after switching to a secure SSL policy, 

Google seems to be a process that needs to keep up with all of us and find new opportunities in the next world, as if it is such a change and development, right? It reveals the power of digital again, as we have the chance to look at events from many different dimensions, pull data and analyze them, it actually makes us a little more one. Note, there is a limitation here, but how can we enrich it with other data sources from other channels and get better results. In fact, it's challenging. And that takes us further. We can think as if all the sub-branches of digital marketing will not be able to get rid of it so easily. It's a much more disruptive change. It seems as if e-bon etching is coming for marketing. 

A lot of brands are also serious, which means they have turnover budgets. Do you think the change here will be as disruptive as expected? Of course, it is not possible to ignore the change here, predicting that there will be certain losses is what we are already observing and that we will experience bigger losses in the future, and in fact, we know from now, we see that we do not actually do digital marketing for online sales, even if we do, we already know that it has an impact on different channels. Well, when we look at the previous ones, of course, we can track and count many different metrics, but before that, Again, when we look at the digital world, even when we look at the digital world, we had to make different investments with more limited data. We had to make different decisions. What came afterwards was these brentlif analyses, and then we had the chance to determine that these were correct, and we had the chance to make more accurate optimizations accordingly. In fact, if we connect the process on the eflight side here, I mean, we already have a very serious retrospective experience with eflata. I think that this loss of measurement we will experience, together with the new models we will develop, will continue to be one of the important channels by predicting a little more and revealing our experiences here. In fact, it is necessary to ask about influencer marketing here, while talking about infrasition, influencer marketing may not be affected much by the pupstar side here, but it is a very important channel in terms of growth, but the problem here is that the volumes are generally limited and when we want to expand the volumes, we have difficulty in growing this channel. 

Do you have any ideas about nights or growing? This is a channel that has come into our lives a little more recently. But unlike other channels, I think there is an opportunity in infinnes marketing. As I said, influencer marketing is a process that has become a little more popular recently. Therefore, it is not possible to be transparent at some points as much as other channels related to the measurement and follow-up of this. As a result of this, we can say that the fact that a little more investment is limited causes this. I will do a little more after that. I think that the work done here will grow more by entering the other channel mixes with the meaning of a media value. In particular, I think that while this cookie focuses a little more on the first party data of brands in the world, they can use influencer marketing as a more important channel to make sense of the data there and develop their marketing strategies, while of course continuing the process of finding new potential customers. I think that the targeting segmentation losses that will be experienced on the platforms there can actually be compensated by the implementation of strategies that will be suitable for the brand with the right media budget, the right creative, the right account infinitum. Here, of course, as a decision-maker in digital markets, what everyone is talking about is the issue of budget allocation, and how we will budget and how budgets will be distributed in the channels is also talked about a lot Since there is also an issue about cookieless tracking, a little bit more here, yes, a little summary of what you said in an integrated way. 

The view that it would be more accurate to look at digital marketing not only as a sales tulu, but also from a marketing, a branling point of view and to manage it in this way. But it's still about how to make decisions about the channel-by-channel distribution of the budget of the total digital market here. For example, do you have any experiences or ideas that you can pass on to us? Of course, we already know that certain solutions are currently in search. We are testing some of the platforms, waiting for some of them to arrive. That's why we will see the processes here, of course, but I thought about it personally, I don't think it would be right to enter into a process about which budget we will put where. Because, again, I look at it from this point of view, the platforms that our consumers consume, the areas where they consume content, the places where they spend time will not actually change, that is, our users will still search at certain points and consume news content at certain points. They will spend time on social media, so we should be in front of them on those channels again. Only here, in what format, in what way, we will continue to be in the same way on those platforms by changing the shape of that design that we have built with what kind of targeting, by changing our measurement methods a little more. Just as I said here, there may be different actions between certain platforms on issues such as losses, transitions, and then budget allocations, but at the end of the day, our consumers are almost there. Brands will actually be against it. In terms of artificial intelligence, which we talked about at the beginning, artificial intelligence can take over daily operational work, but that experience and wisdom in decision-making will remain here, and I think the issue that will require digital marketing professionals to work longer in the coming years, I think this is exactly where we talked about these autonomous vehicles. You know, you don't have the steering control there, but we still keep an eye on the road. In fact, as decision-makers, yes, we're going to hand over machine learning to some things. We're going to let AI do some of our work, but it's still its strategy. We can say that control and management will also be the decision-makers here in matters such as the way it is progressing in a Korean way with our goals. Of course, it is necessary to say this here. Considering that 2000s digital marketing budgets have been talked about since their beginning, it is now also maximized today after the pandemic. Considering the points we have been talking about from the beginning as a reference, what do you think about how we can grow budgets by considering less transparent measurement? Where does the digital marketing budget actually come from? We need to look at it to 10, in fact, we are talking about a budget that is in parallel with the company's sales targets. 

The important critical point is where the company wants to go, its goal. And he will bring it to that within his goal. Where is the right budget and can we actually go beyond the targets by spending more of the relevant budgets and increasing more investments on the way to this goal? In other words, it is something that can be implemented with the search for the answers to these questions and the actions taken in search of the answers to these questions. But a small note here is of course our subject. We talk about the importance of digital marketing, but it is not always possible to ensure that companies actually reach their goals with the actions to be taken in digital marketing only by marketing. It contains a lot of different parameters. There is the product we sell, there is its pricing. There are a lot of different functions such as the quality of service we offer, when these are blended in the right way, we see that companies actually go to their target and increase their budgets on the digital marketing side. Hence digital marketing Yes, the increase in their budgets is proportional to the values they create alone, but on the other hand, they will be able to grow with a snowball effect by affecting the performance of different departments of the companies. In fact, it stops at one point. Finally, I can say that, of course, we are already talking about the fact that we will always lose certain things in measurement, and when we look at the retrospective data, we will not be able to measure the things as comfortably as before. However, it is worth remembering that when we look back a little bit, some points that we could not measure before in the digital world went beyond this, and we went through periods where 80% of the budgets were spent in the mainstream media, where a completely blurred operation was carried out and we had almost no chance to optimize. Here, too, the brands somehow continued their lives and continued their investments. They got the feedback somehow, but maybe they couldn't go by measuring it by filling it up very low. But as much as it feels like a throwback now, for us, this cookie world is not actually going back to the stone age. As a result, we will have new data that we can look at from a lot of different places. Only by enriching them by sizing them a little more, we can replace them with different approaches. By looking at it a little bit more, actually. We will continue our optimizations and growth targets in digital marketing. Actually, I understand that what you have been saying all along is corresponding to this. The number of people online is not going to change and is actually going to increase. Since the past, while millions of pounds of advertising expenditure decisions have been made in television advertisements, for example, by looking at the information of an audience of 3 to 5,000 people, it seems that you can still make more accurate decisions with less transparent but clear measurement in digital marketing, right? Very true, as I said, instead of worrying here, of course, we can grab it, accepting that we will lose. Instead of worrying, we will see that the digital world will adapt very easily to this new one, and accordingly, we have more power than before to produce the right outputs, and instead of decreasing investments, on the contrary, the human population is shifting more to digs at the point where consumption increases. I think that actions will continue for us to be more present in front of consumers as brands as advertisers. To sum up what we have been talking about from the beginning, what do we think will we talk about 10 years from now, what kind of world do you think will be, both in terms of artificial intelligence in digital marketing, in terms of human resources in digital marketing and in terms of cookieless tracking? Yes, it is not possible to foresee some things in advance. An artificial intelligence that comes in a very serious and destructive way is on our agenda. Of the points where we expect to be better in some areas. We are going through a process where it progresses more slowly and there are completely different changes in issues that you never expected, but there are some points we know. Of course, it is a fact that we have to accept this about the helpless world. All companies will concentrate on how we will keep up with this new order. 

Since this is now transparent, they have accepted issues such as security and data protection, and they have developed their strategies on the marketing side accordingly, understanding this a little more? Raise it to 10 and they'll look at it, it's very clear. Of course, artificial intelligence will probably touch different areas in terms of content. The quality of work here will go to another point. On the other hand, of course, there will be a situation that affects the human resources in the companies. Of course, I think that the decision-makers will continue in the same way, that it will become more important, and that their position here will continue. Maybe we will see a world that does certain operational jobs and consolidates a little more where employee resources will be gathered in one place. But there will probably be completely different needs and opportunities there. There will be gaps about the parts that have never been experienced before or that have not been given weight. The human resources there also embraced those areas a little bit. In other words, there will be a transformation. I think we will experience a world where people change their business more and direct them to different areas rather than taking away people's jobs. Thank you very much for participating, answering our questions and sharing your ideas, today we talked to contemporary about what awaits us in the coming years in the field of digital marketing. If you want to be informed about our new videos or want to support, it's up to you to like, comment, share or subscribe.